Excitement in the air

The librarian comes back to school a bit earlier than the teaching staff. It’s quiet here. Paul L. pops in to deliver and pick up the mail usually when I’m not around (how do you manage that, Paul?) I’ve gone through several boxes of magazines and catalogs.

The bulletin boards are still decorated with last year’s themes but something new is fermenting on my back burner. Alternately, I attend to closing up some pre-summer chores (getting the summer school reading materials checked in and back on the shelves –surprised those penguins didn’t melt in the heat!!) but frequently my minds jumps back to the bulletin boards and I come up with another visual thinking maybe this word cloud will pique some interest in technology as a teaching tool. A stray email from an enthusiastic teacher fuels my own sense of impending change.

I think, too, how to get the staff involved in interaction with the library: I wish they would respond to blogs; respond to announcements of new materials; recommend materials to each other, critique what we have, talk about what they saw that worked….I’m hoping for enthusiasm.

Those are my goals. Let’s see what the year brings.

Published in: on August 20, 2010 at 9:44 am  Comments Off on Excitement in the air